A Family-owned Cozy Guest House

Room Manuals

09/08/2016 17:10

Room Manuals


Zip Code 907-0014   8-27 Shiei-cho Ishigaki City >>>See Map

〒907-0014  石垣市新栄町8-27

The precise address will be used for accessing to our flat without trouble.


Parking Space

Guest Room Arun Ishigaki has prepared the parking space for the customers a minute away from the flat.

If you rent a car and need the space, please let us know.


How to use the electric kettle

An electric kettle is kept in the room and available 24 hours.

Press the unlock button (No.1) first, and press the pour button (No.2) for hot water.

The water temperature is adjustable by pressing setting button. (No.3)

You can open the kettle container by pressing No.4 button.


Air Conditioner

An air conditioner is installed in the room and it will be operated by manipulating the cosole.

The meaning and functions of each button is as follows:

冷房 air conditioning

暖房 heating

除湿切替 dehumidification

自動 auto

温度 temperature (switch)

停止 off switch


There in no ON switch on the remote, just choose and press the switch you need.


Full Automatic Washing Machine

The washing machine is placed on the balcony of the gueat room.

Instructions how to use it are here:

  1. The faucet is already open. No need to touch
  2. Add the dirty clothes and detergent into the tub and close the door.
  3. You can put the detergent directly into the drum.
  4. Turn on the power.
  5. Select the washing course. (Standard course is recommended.)
  6. Press the start button and just wait. The machine will do the rest.

電源 切/入  Power ON and OFF

スタート  Start

一時停止  Pause

コース  Course selection

標準  Standard


Digital Temp Control
A digital control pad is installed on the wall for using the gas water heating in the room.

This panel allows you to control the temperature of the water for various needs.

Once the temperature is set, our gas heating system constantly delivers hot water with that desired setting.

This feature has great benefits for households with small children and elderly individuals to help prevent scalding accidents.

A digital control pad



At Guest Room Arun, every guest will be supplied with a set of towels, i.e. a face towel and a bath towel.

So if you stay in the room for two people, there will be two face towels and bath towels.

If you want to change your dirty or used towels to the new one, put it in the basket placed in the washing room, and put it outside the door.


Drinking Water

By the time of check-In, we will put a bottle of water in the refrigerator for our guest to consume for free of charge.

The tap water from faucets in the room is drinkable.


Garbage Disposal

The ways fo the garbage disposal in Japan are different depending on its region.

In case of Ishigaki City, the garbage will be devided mainly into 7 types below.

燃えるごみ:burnable garbage(trash)
燃えないごみ:unburnable garbage (trash)
ビン:glass bottles

紙:papers(newspapers, magazines)
ペットボトル: plastic bottles
プラスチック容器:plastic containers/ recyclable plastic


and in general,

Garbage must be sorted out into those 7 types.


However, Guest Room Arun Ishigaki WILL NOT ASK our guest to follow those rules stirictly


It would be much appreciated for us if the guest

collect garbage or trash into plastic bags kept in the room

and put it out outside the entrance door in the morning

whenever you go out.



just put it into the garbage bin which is placed at the entrace portch.



How to contact us during your stay

There are a couple of ways for our guests to contact us during the stay.

  1. Send message by using Airbnb e-mail
  2. Send message by using regular email at guestroomarunishigaki@gmail.com
  3. (If you are LINE account holder) Send message or Call us by using LINE app.
  4. (If you are WhatsApp user) Send message or Call us by using WhatsApp app.



Phone Number : +81 90-9654-2938

Display Name : YH

User ID : has1113



Phone Number : +81 90-9654-2938

Display Name : Yasuyuki Hazama

